As another birthday passes, it’s a perfect time for reflection and sharing how I manage to keep my life organized amidst a bustling schedule. Between growing my business, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, spending quality time with family and friends, tending to my plants, and managing my roles as a speaker, consultant, podcast host, and producer, it’s crucial to keep my mind as organized as my space.

There were days when I’d fall into bed utterly exhausted, yet my mind buzzed with relentless thoughts and ideas, keeping me from the rest I desperately needed. Thankfully, those sleepless nights are a thing of the past. I’ve mastered the art of clearing the mental clutter that once overwhelmed me. Here’s how you can do the same:

  1. End-of-Day Work List: Every day, before leaving my workspace, I jot down the tasks I need to tackle the following day. I organize any information and files related to these tasks, setting the stage for a productive morning.
  2. Personal Errand List: I make a specific list for personal tasks (like picking up dry cleaning, banking, or buying stamps). Planning these errands helps me accomplish them efficiently, preventing those late-night realizations that I forgot something important.
  3. Calendar Consultation: Before I agree to any new appointment, I consult my calendar. This habit has empowered me to decline requests that don’t fit into my schedule, adopting the philosophy that saying no to others often means saying yes to myself.
  4. Notepad by the Bed: I keep a notepad on my nightstand to capture any late-night thoughts or ideas. Writing them down allows me to clear my mind and return to sleep peacefully.
  5. Idea Dump Days: Occasionally, I set aside time to write down all lingering thoughts, ideas, and tasks. I then organize these into actionable items or file them away for future reference.

Which of these tips will you try to help declutter your mind? I’d love to hear how you manage your mental clutter—please share your experiences and strategies!

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Photo/Image: Jared Rice

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