The older I get the more I realize how important it is to create and maintain a good atmosphere.   Atmosphere is defined as the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art (Google Dictionary). Your business workspace must be conducive for you to be able to accomplish your goals and create the best work for your clients.  How would you describe your current workspace?  Cluttered? Messy? Loud? Or maybe Calm? Or Peaceful?  What is penetrating your environment? These are questions I needed to address when deciding what I wanted for the environment where I work.  The reason this is important is that it sets the tone for what I produce for my clients and as entrepreneurs, we need to be in the right mind frame to produce quality work for those who trust us with their businesses. 

Here are 7 tips to help develop the best atmosphere for your biz.

  1. Clean your space. A clean space sets the tone to build.
  2. Check your work systems to be able to find what you are looking for the first time.
  3. Play music.  Enjoyable sounds that help you create from the mood that you’re in.  Praise, dance, or soft classical music – different sounds help you create and focus differently and stimulate a good workflow.
  4. Make positive confessions.  Speak affirmations about your area and business. Define with your words what is allowed in your space. 
  5. Embrace where you are. – Even if it’s a small space 
  6. Decorate! Little changes can make a huge difference
  7. Turn off the TV – The news is a distraction. You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish in silence.

Let these simple reminders provoke you to take your surroundings seriously and make your atmosphere a priority this year. Not just in business, but purge your environment of every negative thing for a truly prosperous new year.  Happy Spring!

Lynn Edwards are her team are ready to introduce you to online marketing strategies that will get your business in front of the world.  They focus on taking your business from basic to beyond. You write the vision and we run with it. Click here to connect with Lynn.

After reading this blog have you decided to spring clean your office? If yes then order my eCourse on Udemy Clearing Your Desk, Clearing Your Mind.

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