Last month I had the opportunity to interview Christy Lingo, Business Savvy Mama and following are the TRIM Strategies she shared to help us better manage our time.

“T” is for Time Sensitive

Does the task have a deadline or due date? Is that deadline or due date approaching or has it passed? Or are there sub-tasks that are time sensitive that you need to do in order to complete the project or tasks on time? Like you’re doing a podcast interview next week but the host would like you to send a headshot and bio before the interview. Because there is a due date for submitting my headshot and bio, I would consider that task “Time Sensitive”.

“R” is for Required

In other words, is it something you must do or there may be a consequence. For instance, you have to log into a certain site and watch a video. You have to take a class. Or you need to take a test. You need to schedule a meeting. Think “what will happen if I don’t do this tasks.” If the answer is something that may have negative results for your business, your home, or your family, then it is a required tasks you need to do.

“I” stands for Impact Driven

Impact driven tasks will positively affect your business or home life. From a business standpoint, this is where being clear on which marketing avenues actually help you grow your business and get new clients, and which do not. If a huge part of your clientele comes from social media, tasks related to social media would be considered “impactful”. But if you don’t see a good ROI on a particular platform or you find more success with networking or email marketing, make sure those tasks that make an impact are the first to-do’s you tackle.

“M” is for Money-Related

Finally, will doing this task help you make money? It could mean returning an email or phone call to a potential client. Or finishing an online product. Or uploading items to sell in your online store. Could not completing this task cost you money…as in paying your bills late or not paying your bills at all. Think of how completing or not completing this task can positively or negatively impact your bottom line for your business or your family.

Christy Lingo, the Business Savvy Mama, specializes in helping mom entrepreneurs experience their most fun and fulfilling work and home life. She coaches clients to create boundaries, develop simple systems, and clarify priorities for their business and family in order to do more of what they love with who they love. She also hosts the Business Savvy Mama Podcast. In a previous entrepreneurial life, Christy spent 10 years growing and building a professional organizing business with zero experience. She works hard to manage her own juggle-struggle…in her scheduled quality time with her husband, 2 young boys, blind dog, and killer cat, she enjoys baking, camping and hiking, playing PokemonGo, and fantasy footballing.

Click here to listen to the entire podcast interview with Christy. 

After reading this blog want area do you need to trim? Please share what you would like to tackle, accomplish or just cross off your list this month. If you would like to join a community of women who are on their personal journey to organize their life click the following link to my Get Your Life Totally Organized Facebook Group.

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