As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to celebrate by sharing some organizing strategies I learned from my Mother that I feel would be helpful to you during this time.  She is the reason why I can manage my home, time and life more effectively.   Following are 15 simple techniques from planning meals, shopping to getting stuff done. Thanks Mom!!!

The Paper Piles…

  1. Opened all mail to stay on top of managing the household and life
  2. Tossed the junk mail to prevent piles from developing
  3. After magazines and papers are read put them in the recycling bin
  4. Use a small file box or filing cabinet to keep personal documents
  5. Discard (you may want to shred) duplicate information from banks, insurance companies, pharmacies

The Kitchen …

  1. Select a day to do the bulk of your cooking ( meats, sides, vegetables) so all you will need to do the night of is to heat it up
  2. Planned meals as she wrote her shopping list and listed items by aisle to save time
  3. When we would run low on an item she would add it to the list. (Actually once my Mom opened an item it was added to the list)
  4. Labeled and dated items that are frozen and moved older items to the front of the freezer to be cooked first
  5. Moved older items to the front of the cabinet/pantry and items just purchased to the back


  1. Used her calendar as a reminder to change the baking soda in the refrigerator and smoke detector batteries
  2. Scheduled time weekly to do laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning
  3. Cleaned the kitchen ( wiped sink/countertop and sweep floor) after we finished a meal
  4. Tossed expired food ( if there was any) weekly the night before trash day
  5. Planned the route of her errands before she headed out the door

After reading this blog did it remind you of a daily or weekly ritual your Mom use to do?    If so I would love for you to share, please leave a comment below. If you feel overwhelmed with organizing your home , time or life schedule a FREE 15 Minute Virtual Session with me.

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